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  • CPF
    The Federal Revenue of Brazil guarantees the issuance of CPF for refugees and undocumented immigrants (Nota Cogea nº 02, January 20, 2021). To request the CPF, click here. ​ E-mail:
  • Refuge Request Protocol and Provisional Document of National Migration Registry (DPRNM)
    Sign up at Sisconare, fill out the forms and schedule the interview at the Federal Police (service for 20 people without an appointment per day). The protocol leaves on the day of the interview. Document required: Passport Refuge Request Protocol and Provisional Document of National Migration Registry (DPRNM) Every asylum seeker will receive a provisional protocol, valid for 1 year and renewable until the final decision by CONARE on your asylum claim. This protocol will be your identity document in Brazil. It serves as proof of your regular migration status and that you are protected and cannot be returned to a country where your life is at risk. With this protocol you will be entitled to obtain work card (CTPS), individual registration (CPF)  and the right to access all public services available in Brazil. According to Brazilian law, the Protocol is a valid document throughout the national territory and demonstrates that you have a legal right to be in Brazil. Despite being an official document, it can sometimes be challenging for a Brazilian to recognize the protocol as a valid document, as the Provisional Protocol is very different from other Brazilian identification documents. If you experience problems accessing services and rights using this document, please contact a Union Public Defender's Office (DPU) ou with as UNHCR partner organizations. For the provisional protocol to remain valid and for you to continue working regularly, it is necessary to renew it at the Federal Police every year. Applicants who do not renew the protocol within the deadline are subject to the archiving of their asylum application. Pay attention to the renewal date noted in your protocol, and report to the Federal Police before the expiration date.
  • National Migration Registry Card (RNM, former RNE)
    Asylum seekers who have had their refugee status recognized by Brazil have the right to obtain the National Migratory Registration Card (formerly the National Registry of Foreigners – RNE), an identity document for migrants in Brazil. The issuance and renewal of the Card/RNE can be done at any unit of the Federal Police. Pay attention to the expiration date of your Portfolio/RNE. The renewal of the Card/RNE must be done three months before the expiration date of the old document. For reasons of confidentiality, the document you have as a refugee does not mention your migratory status as “refugee”, but uses the category “resident” according to the Brazilian Refugee Law. (9747/1997). How to request the first copy After the interview at CONARE, you will receive information through Sisconare if you have been recognized as a refugee. To request your CRNM you will need to: Gather the necessary documents. To find out what they are, visit the Federal Police website Check the costs of issuing your permit at Federal Police website. Fill out the form ; Perform the scheduling to attend the Police Federal and withdraw your CRNM. How to renew If you already have the CRNM but need to renew it: Fill in the form. Gather a documentation required Schedule day and time_8df6fbcc-43d3 -3d99-a511-2eb009ed8a2d_to report to the Federal Police. Remember to_8df6fbcc -43d3-3d99-a511-2eb009ed8a2d_verify the financial cost of issuing the renewal of your CRNM.
    The Migration Law guarantees access to social assistance services to refugees or immigrants regardless of their migratory status (art. 4, VIII). The Federal Supreme Court has already guaranteed (decision in RE 587970) that immigrants are beneficiaries of the country's social assistance programs. In addition to the STF decision, the Federal Public Defender's Office has already clarified that the right to social assistance is guaranteed to all people residing in Brazil, regardless of their regular or irregular migratory situation (Ofício Circular nº 3578466/2020 , April/2020). Thus, as long as they fulfill the specific rules for obtaining benefits, such as the Auxílio Brasil, the undocumented immigrant can apply for them, registering in CadÚnico through the CPF. Remember that benefit withdrawal may depend on having a bank account. What is CRAS and what is it for? The Social Assistance Reference Center (Cras) is the gateway to Social Assistance. It is a public place, located primarily in areas of greater social vulnerability, where Social Assistance services are offered, with the aim of strengthening coexistence with the family and the community
    Go to a UBS (Basic Health Unit) closest to your residence and request the SUS (Single Health System) card. The card is ready on the same day.Documents required: ID with photo, phone number, CPF and proof of address
    Access to public education is also guaranteed to the refugee or immigrant person regardless of the regularity of the migratory status, according to Law 13.445/2017 Also a Resolution nº 1/2020 of the National Council of Education ensures that the lack of documents cannot prevent the right to enrollment of refugee and immigrant children and adolescents in Brazilian public basic education networks.
  • BANK
    To open a bank account in Brazil, the refugee or immigrant person without documents issued in the country can present another recognized identification document, such as the passport or identity card of the country of origin (BCB Normative Instruction No. of August 3, 2020). Each bank, however, performs an internal security assessment for accepting a foreign document. In this sense, the Defensoria Pública da União (DPU) has already recommended to banking institutions that identification documents from the countries of origin, such as a passport , ballot or consular card, as well as an identity card are documents capable of proving the civil identity of refugees and immigrants, regardless of their migratory status. In addition, accounts with a low limit for the amount deposited (up to R$ 5,000.00) can be opened using a cell phone, simply by informing some data such as name and CPF.   The refugee or undocumented immigrant is also guaranteed to open a digital social savings account, which waives the need to present documents (Decree No. 10.316/2020 – art. 11, p. 1, I). For more information, see a Financial Information Booklet.
    Download the application Carteira de Trabalho Digital. Create an account at ( and follow the steps. The work card is ready on time via the application.Required documents: RNM or RNM protocol, CPF and phone numberLink: here
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Estes são os primeiros passos em relação a documentos e estrutura, pra você que deseja ajudar um refugiado que chega no Brasil.

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