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Asylum Request

Brazilian Refuge Law  considers a refugee to be any person who leaves their country of origin because of well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, social group or political opinion, or because of a situation of serious and generalized violation of human rights in their country of origin.

To be recognized as a refugee by the Brazilian government, it is necessary to apply for asylum. Asylum seekers are entitled to an identity document (Refuge Request Protocol and DPRNM), working (Work Card), to numerous other documents, as well as to remain in the country until a final decision  about your lawsuit.

To apply for refuge in Brazil it is necessary to be present in the national territory. At any time after arriving in Brazil, immigrants who consider themselves victims of persecution in their country of origin must seek a Federal Police unit or immigration authority at the border. Anyone requesting asylum in Brazil cannot be deported to the border of a country or territory where their life or freedom is threatened.



The Asylum Request is COMPLETELY FREE and can be made directly by the asylum seeker. The presence of a lawyer is not mandatory.



CONARE prepared the applicant's manual, which explains the step-by-step procedure for making a request. To download the manual click here.

Gather all possible documents

Before applying for refugee status recognition, gather all relevant documentation that can support your application, such as personal documentation, photos, certificates, videos, reports, messages, emails, news, etc. The more documents you submit, the more items will be taken into account when reviewing your request.

IMPORTANT! People without an identity document can also apply for recognition of refugee status.

Register with SISCONARE

According to the National Committee for Refugees (CONARE), Sisconare is the new platform on which all refuge-related processes in Brazil will be processed. The system will gradually replace the paper form throughout the national territory. Thus, it will be handled by all actors who participate in some stage of the application process: applicants for recognition of refugee status, Federal Police, CONARE, and the refugees themselves.

To register:

  1. You must have a valid email. If not, create one. You will receive an email message to set your Sisconare password, that's why this step is so important!

  2. Register at sisconare.

  3. Check if you received a confirmation message in your email and follow the instructions to set your password.

Complete the request form


Login to Sisconare with your password and fill out the refugee status recognition form. If you have other relatives in Brazil, they can be included in the same way.

Answer all questions on the form, providing details, and include all documents gathered in step 1.


After completing the form, a tracking number will be generated, which can be found in the “notifications” part or in the upper left corner where there is a bell symbol.

Scheduling for the Federal Police


You must schedule your trip to the Federal Police to receive your request for recognition of refugee status and receive your Protocol (identification document as an applicant in Brazil) and Documento Provisorio de Registro Nacional Migratório (DPRNM).

To make the appointment, click here.

  • To facilitate the service, take the Sisconare tracking number (printed or written down).

  • Check if it is necessary:
    – Take a 3×4 photo


Your request for recognition of refugee status will only be complete after you appear at the Federal Police.


  • The protocol must be renewed annually.

  • With the Protocol, you can obtain a work card (CTPS), Cadastro de Pessoa Física (CPF) and access public services available in Brazil.

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